There is a lot of talk about the benefits of using Certified Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil these days. Extra virgin olive oil is extracted straight from the olive tree, unlike refined or processed olive oil. It's rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, D & E. It's a great moisturizer, and can help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. It's also been shown to be effective for weight loss. The bad news is that there are not a lot of companies making organic extra virgin olive oil. That's due to the high price of organic olive oil. The high price is due to the fact that it takes a lot of resources to grow olives that are suitable for making extra virgin olive oil. Most of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil that's available is grown in Mediterranean countries like Greece and Italy.
The increasing demand for extra virgin olive oil
As mentioned above, the demand is very high. That's because people like the extra virgin taste of extra virgin olive oil, but they also like to be reassured that the olive oil they buy is not harmful to their health. Extra virgin is a monosaturated fat. Other fats are polyunsaturated fats, which are not as healthy. Monosaturated fats raise bad cholesterol and increase blood pressure. Another problem is that olive oil is hard to obtain. Growing extra virgin olives takes a lot of land. Extra virgin oil cannot travel very far. So if you want butter that has real butter flavor and is healthy, you need to grow olives that have been grown under the Mediterranean sun. You can get organic extra virgin olive oil from online merchants who sell wholesale, not retail. Most of the companies that offer butter made from olive oil have a healthfulness or wellness section in their websites. But some companies do not. They may claim that their butter is "made without any chemicals" - but most likely it's just butter made with cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil that has had no preservatives added.
How much will it cost to your pocket? Extra virgin butter is also expensive. Extra virgin can cost as much as regular butter, and you may not get a large amount of butter for the money. So what's the solution? The easiest way to save money on this type of butter is to make your own. It's easy and doesn't take very long. You can make organic extra virgin olive oil by taking fresh olive leaves and chopping them into fine pieces. Then, mix together dry ingredients, including olive oil, lemon juice, white vinegar, and a pinch of salt. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer for about three minutes, stirring occasionally. Don't use a stick blender, as the ingredients may be too coarse and small pieces of the chopped fruit may get caught in the blades. A food processor or a food chopper can make the process go much smoother. Once the butter is smooth and amber, it can be used in almost any cooking recipe that calls for olive oil.
In my Italian omelet, for instance, I used a bit of the chopped zucchini, a bit of the onion, and half a teaspoon of dried oregano. Salt and pepper to taste. Then, I melted some vegan margarine over the butter. I mixed the ingredients and spread it over the top. After a couple of minutes, the bottom was ready. If you are looking to buy certified organic extra virgin olive oil then you can consider websites like